Boatrocker Brewers & Distillers
Methode Solera Flanders Style Red
6.2% | 500ml
Our House Red continues to evolve, gaining further complexity with every blending session. The Soléra method we employ takes approximately 2/3 of the barrel for blending (sometimes more sometimes less, depending on blend ratios) and then topping up the remainder of the barrel with fresh wort. Our house culture has so many organisms in it now, it is consistently creating complex and delicious ales after 12 months sometimes 10 months. This complexity only increases as it gets older, up to a certain point… then the acetic acid kicks in, which we consider essential for any Flanders red. As the oldest barrel program in Australia, our aged acetic barrels are now 7 years old, and a small amount goes a long way, sometimes just 20L in 1000L is enough to make a significant difference.
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