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Boatrocker Brewers & Distillers

Barrel Aged Elderflower Sour

6.2% | 500ml


Elderflower 100 year old foeder Australian Wild Ale. The story behind the foeder is an amazing one… Originally from the old Stonyfell Winery in the Adelaide Hills and rescued from destruction by an incredible cooper and given rebirth in Australia’s first barrelroom. The base beer consists of a simple maltbill, yet the wild yeasts and bacteria are anything but. A mix of classic Belgian wild yeasts (Brett Brux, Brett Lambicus) combined with our unique Braeside wild yeasts captured in our custom made koelschip give this beer a bright citrus edge with a big whack of balanced funk. The addition of organic Australian elderflowers adds wonderful floral topnotes.

Boatrocker La Fleur

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